- asymptomatic
- asymptomatic бессимптомный
English-Russian biology dictionary. 2015.
English-Russian biology dictionary. 2015.
asymptomatic — adj. (Med.) showing no symptoms of disease. Syn: symptomless. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
asymptomatic — (adj.) without symptoms, 1856, from a , privative prefix, + SYMPTOMATIC (Cf. symptomatic) … Etymology dictionary
asymptomatic — [ā΄simp tə ma′tik] adj. without symptoms … English World dictionary
Asymptomatic — Pulmonary contusion due to trauma is an example of a condition that can be asymptomatic with half of people showing no signs at the initial presentation since such symptoms can take time to develop. The CT scan show a pulmonary contusion (red… … Wikipedia
Asymptomatic — Without symptoms. For example, an asymptomatic infection is an infection with no symptoms. * * * Without symptoms, or producing no symptoms. * * * asymp·tom·at·ic .ā .sim(p) tə mat ik adj presenting no symptoms of disease <asymptomatic… … Medical dictionary
asymptomatic — [[t]e͟ɪsɪmptəmæ̱tɪk[/t]] ADJ If someone with a disease is asymptomatic, it means that they do not show any symptoms of the disease. [MEDICAL] I have patients who are HIV positive and asymptomatic. Ant: symptomatic … English dictionary
asymptomatic — a|symp|to|mat|ic [æˌsımptəmætık, eı US eı ] adj medical if someone or the illness that they have is asymptomatic, the illness has no physical signs … Dictionary of contemporary English
asymptomatic — a|symp|to|mat|ic [ ,eısımptə mætık ] adjective MEDICAL if a disease or person is asymptomatic, they show no physical signs of a medical problem … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
asymptomatic — adjective if someone or the illness that they have is asymptomatic, there are no signs of the illness … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
asymptomatic — UK [æˌsɪmptəˈmætɪk] / UK [ˌeɪsɪmptəˈmætɪk] / US [ˌeɪsɪmptəˈmætɪk] adjective medical if a disease or person is asymptomatic, they show no physical signs of a medical problem … English dictionary
Asymptomatic carrier — An asymptomatic carrier (healthy carrier or just carrier) is a person or other organism that has contracted an infectious disease, but who displays no symptoms. Although unaffected by the disease themselves, carriers can transmit it to others. In … Wikipedia